I know that happiness is not so much a state of feeling as it is a choice of living. I also know that we would be foolish to not yet realize that no matter how much we or other people try, we cannot be happy by or through someone else. Remember the parable of the Ten Virgins, how the five who were unprepared had not oil in their lamps (note that they were single/unmarried). This oil can represent the individually accumulated choices that brought about the personal happiness of each virgin. Don't you think that in order to even perceive and be with the Master, Source, and God of Happiness they needed to BE happy themselves regardless of their relationship status? Thus in order to be prepared we too must make choices every day of our time on earth that will bring us closer towards happiness. Choosing to date, court, and marry someone is important and a vital step towards fulfilling the Plan that our Heavenly Father has for us, but we would be missing it all if we continued to make the mistake of focusing our being happy only through wanting or trying to get what we don't have. It's what we DO have! President Kimball stated that "we (as Latter-Day Saints) should be the happiest people on Earth because of how richly blessed we are". So I propose that if you are tempted to even joke about what you don't have, such as having a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a spouse, try to find that tiny hole within yourself and make a choice that will fill it with the love of Christ. He has taught us to "labour not for the meat that perisheth (people, riches, power, prestige, recognition, boyfriends/girlfriends, degrees, etc.), but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which [He] shall give unto you (...)". (John 6:27) He has also taught us that He is "the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread he shall LIVE forever: and the bread that [He] shall give is [His] flesh, which [He] will give for the life of the world." (John 6:54) So let us labour to lay down our sins and personal desires and choose to fill the gaps and holes in our souls by partaking of this bread. I know that the ingredients for this bread are all of the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ. Let Valentines day be a day for us to personally remember that we don't need someone else to make us be happy, we need Him! Let it be a day to remember that our happiness stems from the labor of bringing others towards the God of Love and Happiness, "for behold, this is [His] work and [His] glory (His happiness)—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life (and happiness) of man" (Moses 1:39, emphasis added). So whether we be single, in complicated situations, dating, married, or hoping for any of that to happen, Happy Valentines Day my friends and be happy! :)
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